Reflecting on life, the people who surround me, the people who are now memories and those who will be in my future, I have come to find that I have done a lot of growing and made a lot of changes and adjustments for the betterment of myself. Whether you see it as good or bad or whether you like me or you don’t others opinions seem irrelevant when it comes to the “big picture”.
Always being a person wanting to make others happy, please family and friends and always helping others when I can, worked when I was younger, however, growing up and living among a completely different culture proved otherwise.
I have realized that being great and being successful is not because of people’s opinions, it stems from you realizing that people’s opinions and thoughts about you and your life are irrelevant. In the grand scheme of things, greatness can be determined from you believing in something enough to be willing to die for it. Being great comes from utilizing the negativity around you constructively and embracing the positivity with open arms. Greatness comes from being willing to put the unnecessary issues behind you and be confident in your actions and your dreams. Knowing who you are and what you stand for is the only security anyone needs to be happy and successful.
It seems there are too many people in the world attempting to bring others down instead of uplifting and empowering those around them. Envy, jealousy and hate stems from an individual’s own insecurities and the bliss they find from being ignorant. However, people engaging in this behavior do not seek the ultimate greatness they could in order to be as successful as they want. So you do the math.
There is no excuse for envy towards others because everyone has something unique and different to offer. There is no excuse for ignorance or hatred because everyone should seek to uplift others and there is no excuse for negativity towards yourself because if you don’t love yourself then who will? Once people discover the key to being happy with themselves’ and happy with the lives they were given, embracing all of their flaws and working with the hand they were dealt then people would be more humane, less hateful and ultimately more successful.
Worry about yourself, strive to uplift others along the way and seek the positive side before the negative and if it means weeding out those around you who bring you down or keep you at the same position in life, then do what you have to do and make a change for you. Without growth, change, empowerment and positivity, there is little room for greatness and success. Remember taking someone else’s dignity means nothing to you but it means everything to them, so treat people how you would want to be treated, focus on your own life instead of meddling in others, uplift those close to you and even those you don’t know and encourage positivity.
Life is all about living, not surviving, so make the most of it, you are more capable then you realize. Greatness is within YOU.